B-jetting LLC, based in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, USA, and dedicated to the expansion of Binder Jetting (BJT) Additive Manufacturing, has unveiled two new and affordable binder jetting machines – The Educator and The Researcher. B-Jetting feels that the technology has great room for growth and is applicable to a wide variety of industries and materials. B-jetting is helping to make the technology more available and accessible.
Both machines are said to provide a customer-friendly, turnkey Binder Jetting solution, making metal Additive Manufacturing more accessible to a wider range of people.
Binder Jetting
Binder jetting was invented at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and licensed to Z-Corp in 1995. 3D Systems acquired Z-Corp in 2012. The binder jetting technique can print objects in full colour and is compatible with a wide range of materials however the most commonly used materials are metals, ceramic & sand in a powdered form. It is most suitable for building large parts with relative ease. The manufacturing cost is less compared to other 3D printing techniques.
To understand more about the working of the Binder Jetting technology refer to our article on Binder Jetting 3D printing technology.
Affordable Binder Jetting machines
The Educator is designed to be used as an introduction to Binder Jetting or as a materials and process development tool. Starting at $100,000, this system includes a fully functional BJT machine with a 60 mm box, curing oven, and powder recycling system.

The Researcher performs the same functions as the Educator, but with more modularity. Options begin at $180,000 and include an inert chamber, glove box, drop watcher, and the ability to select printheads.
Dan Brunermer and James Gill, the founders of B-jetting, created The Educator platform to fill a market void for a small, affordable BJT Additive Manufacturing machine backed by industry experience and customer support. The machines will make their debut at the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) Conference in Chicago, Illinois, on March 19-23, 2023.